About Rupesh

Rupesh works as a researcher, educator, and evaluator, using systems thinking and action research to generate innovative, person-centred designs and programmes for learning and change. He has experience in conducting systemic reviews and participatory evaluations in dynamic social contexts.

In terms of formal roles that Rupesh currentl occupies, he is Borough Director at Social Action for Health. He is an Associate Lecturer for the Open University tutoring students in the Masters in Systems Thinking in Practice. He is a Research Fellow at Ashridge Business School. Rupesh chairs Watford Arts Recycling Project. He's recently written a chapter in Stories of the Great Turning, exploring the relationship between work, migration and deep ecology.

Rupesh has recently completed work a project funded by the NIACE that uses digital technology and storytelling with parents and carers of children in Haringey.  is developing an innovation partnership for the accreditation of experiential and social learning for a more active citizenship. He has an emerging profile as an innovative and creative thinker, able to stimulate and offer others ways of thinking differently. He completed his PhD. at the Centre for Action Research in 2001 at the University of Bath. He was a programme manager for a community media and human rights programme in India and acted as senior advisor on learning and impact at Amnesty International. In 2012 he was invited to give the keynote address at the Emergence Summit at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales on the subject of emergence.

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